All of the FUJITSU laptop batteries have the protection function of over charge and over discharge, over heat, over current etc. We have passed the CE authentication of Europe, and it produces according with the UL standard, all of FUJITSU batteries can be passed easily through the test of short-circuit, over voltage, low voltage etc. And our FUJITSU battery has been tested on related FUJITSU laptop to ensure that them are 100% compatible original product. In addition, we also provide 30 Days Money Back and One Year warranty to ensure your confidence with our FUJITSU laptop batteries. We look forward to cooperating with you!
Laptop Models for FUJITSU Batteries
- u7470m17spfr
- u7470m17sbpt
- u7470m15tbit
- u7470m15spfr
- u7470m15sopt
- u7470m15sbpt
- u7470m15sbfr
- u7470m13sbfr
- u7470m0032fr
- u7470m0031fr
- u7470m0024se
- u7470m0013ru
- u7470m0008ru
- u7470m0002ru
- u7470m0001ru
- u7410mr7fmde
- u7410mr5cmde
- u7410mr5amde
- u7410mc7lnnc
- u7410mc7fnnc
- u7410mc7fmde
- u7410mc7fmch
- u7410mc7emde
- u7410mc7emch
- u7410mc5knnc
- u7410mc5jnnc
- u7410mc5innc
- u7410mc5gmpt
- u7410mc5gmfr
- u7410mc5dmde
- u7410mc5dmch
- u7410mc5cmde
- u7410mc5cmch
- u7410mc5bmde
- u7410mc5bmch
- u7410mc5amde
- u7410mc5amch
- u7410m472fgb
- u7410m471fgb
- u7410m451fgb
- u7410m17a2it
- u7410m17a1it
- u7410m17a0nl
- u7410m171fhu
- u7410m15a0nl
- u7410m15a0it
- u7410m15a0de
- u7410m152fhu
- u7410m151fhu
- u7410m0010fr
- u7410m0009fr
- u7410m0008ru
- u7410m0007ru
- u7410m0003ru
- u7410m0001fr
- u7311mf5amde
- t9390mp790de
- t9390mp790ch
- t9390mp590de
- t9390mp590ch
- t9390m171tfr
- t9390m170tit
- t9390m170sgb
- t9390m150tit
- t9390m150sgb
- t9390m0001ru
- t9380mp780de
- t9380mp780ch
- t9380mp761ch
- t9380mp581ch
- t9380mp580de
- t9380mp580ch
- t9380m47s1gb
- t9380m4711it
- t9380m45soes
- t9380m4511it
- t9380m4511be
- t9380m171ffr
- t9380m151ffr
- t9380m0002ru
- t9370mp760ch
- t9370m47bpgb
- t9370m47apgb
- t9370m45sbnc
- t9370m45sbgb
- t9370m45bbit
- t9370m45abit
- t9370m27sbit
- t9370m25sbnl
- t9370m25sbit
- t9370m17spfr
- t9370m17sbpt
- t9370m15sbfr
- t9370m15cbfr
- t9370m15bbfr
- t9370m0002ru
- fjintu7410v04
- fjintu7410v03
- fjintu7410v02
- fjintu7410v01
- fjintu7410a03
- fjintu7410a01
- e559om252hes
- e5590mp790de
- e5590mp790ch
- e5590mp590de
- e5590mp590ch
- e5590mp581de
- e5590mp581ch
- e5590mp580de
- e5590mp580ch
- e5590mp500de
- e5590m470sit
- e5590m452shu
- e5590m451snc
- e5590m451shu
- e5590m450snc
- e5590m450sit
- e5590m450shu
- e5590m271hes
- e5590m271fnl
- e5590m271flu
- e5590m271fbe
- e5590m252hes
- e5590m251flu
- e5590m251fbe
- e5590m171fpt
- e5590m170snl
- e5590m152ffr
- e5590m151fpt
- e5590m151fgb
- e5590m150snl
- e5590m0002ru
- e5590m0001ru
- e5590m0001nl
- e5580mp790de
- e5580mp780de
- e5580mp590de
- e5580mp584de
- e5580mp581de
- e5580mp580de
- e5580m4511nl
- e5580m35yogb
- e5511mf7cmit
- e5511mf7cmes
- e5511mf7bmde
- e5511mf7bmch
- e5511mf7amlu
- e5511mf7amde
- e5511mf7ambe
- e5511mf5grhu
- e5511mf5gnnc
- e5511mf5gmbe
- e5511mf5cmes
- e5511mf5cmde
- e5511mf5bmde
- e5511mf5bmch
- e5511mf5bm
- e5511mf5ampl
- e5511mf5amde
- e5511mf5amch
- e5511mf5ambe
- e5511mf5am
- e5511mf3ampl
- e5511mf3ames
- e5511mf3amde
- e5511mf3amch
- e5511m17bmnl
- e5511m17amnl
- e5511m17amgb
- e5511m15bmnl
- e5511m15bmgb
- e5511m15amnl
- e5511m15amgb
- e5510mc7impl
- e5510mc7bmde
- e5510mc7amde
- e5510mc5hmpl
- e5510mc5gmpl
- e5510mc5dmde
- e5510mc5cmde
- e5510m17a1pt
- e5510m172fba
- e5510m15a1de
- e5510m15a0de
- e5510m152fba
- e5510m13a0de
- e5510m0055fr
- e5510m0054fr
- e5510m0053fr
- e5510m0002ru
- e5490mp590de
- e5490mp590ch
- e5490mp581de
- e5490mp581ch
- e5490mp580de
- e5490mp580ch
- e5490m470sit
- e5490m451snc
- e5490m451shu
- e5490m450snc
- e5490m450sit
- e5490m450shu
- e5490m252hes
- e5490m171fpt
- e5490m151fpt
- e5490m151fgb
- e5490m151ffr
- e5490m150snl
- e5490m0001ru
- e5480mp582ch
- e5480mp581de
- e5480mp580de
- e5480mp580ch
- e5480m47sbes
- e5480m45soes
- e5480m4511nl
- e5480m4311nl
- e5480m37sbit
- e5480m37logb
- e5480m35sonc
- e5480m35soit
- e5480m35nogb
- e5480m35mogb
- e5480m271fpt
- e5480m251fpt
- e5480m251fnl
- e5480m251ffr
- e5480m171snc
- e5480m171fpt
- e5480m151hfr
- e5480m131hfr
- e5480m0002ru
- e5411mf7amit
- e5411mf7ames
- e5411mf5gmlu
- e5411mf5gmit
- e5411mf5gmbe
- e5411mf5fmes
- e5411mf5cmes
- e5411mf5cmde
- e5411mf5cmch
- e5411mf5bmde
- e5411mf5bmch
- e5411mf5amde
- e5411mf5amch
- e5411mf3ames
- e5411mf3amde
- e5411mf3amch
- e5411m15dmnl
- e5411m15bmnl
- e5411m15amnl
- e5411m15amgb
- e5410mr5bmde
- e5410mc5emit
- e5410mc5dmfr
- e5410mc5cmde
- e5410mc5bmde
- e5410mc5amde
- e5410m471fpt
- e5410m17a1pt
- e5410m17a0it
- e5410m15a0nl
- e4590mp790de
- e4590mp790ch
- e4590mp581de
- e4590mp580de
- e4590mp580ch
- e4590mc5smde
- e4590mc3amde
- e4590m471slu
- e4590m470sit
- e4590m470sbe
- e4590m451slu
- e4590m450sit
- e4590m450sfr
- e4590m450sbe
- e4590m430sit
- e4590m370spt
- e4590m351sgb
- e4590m350spt
- e4590m350snl
- e4590m350snc
- e4590m350sgb
- e4590m330snc
- e4590m13a0nl
- e4590m0003ru
- e4580mp790de
- e4580mp790ch
- e4580mp780de
- e4580mp780ch
- e4580mp582de
- e4580mp581de
- e4580mp581ch
- e4580mp580de
- e4580mp580ch
- e4580mp380de
- e4580mp380ch
- e4580m45soes
- e4580m37sbpt
- e4580m35toit
- e4580m35tobe
- e4580m35sonc
- e4580m35sogb
- e4580m35sobe
- e4580m35sbpt
- e4580m35hogb
- e4580m351ogb
- e4580m33sonc
- e4580m33soit
- e4580m33hogb
- e4580m152flu
- e4580m151hfr
- e4580m151flu
- e4580m131hfr
- e4580m131fnc
- e4511mf5cmpt
- e4511mf5bmnl
- e4511mf5bmlu
- e4511mf5bmde
- e4511mf5bmbe
- e4511mf5amde
- e4511mf5ambe
- e4490mp580de
- e4490mc5fmgb
- e4490m470sit
- e4490m470sgb
- e4490m450sit
- e4490m370spt
- e4490m351sgb
- e4490m350spt
- e4490m350snl
- e4490m350snc
- e4490m350sgb
- e4490m330snc
- e4490m330sgb
- e4490m0004gb
- e4490m0003gb
- e4490m0002ru
- e4480mp581de
- e4480m47sbes
- e4480m45soes
- e4480m37sbpt
- e4480m35sopt
- e4480m35sonc
- e4480m35soit
- e4480m35sogb
- e4480m35rogb
- e4480m33sonc
- e4480m33sogb
- e4480m151hfr
- e4480m131hfr
- e4411mf5dnnc
- e4411mf5dmlu
- e4411mf5cmgb
- e4411mf5bmpt
- e4411mf5amnl
- e4411mf5amlu
- e4411mf5ambe
- e4411mf3bnnc
- e4411mf3bmnl
- e4411mf3bmlu
- e4411mf3bmbe
- e4411m17arcz
- e4411m15arcz
- e5412mh7amde
- e5412mh5bmde
- e5412mh5amde
- e5412mf7dmnl
- e5412mf7dmlu
- e5412mf7dmbe
- e5412mf7bmpt
- e5412mf7bmnl
- e5412mf7bmlu
- e5412mf7bmbe
- e5412mf7amgb
- e5412mf5imnl
- e5412mf5imlu
- e5412mf5imde
- e5412mf5gmfr
- e5412mf5dmpt
- e5412mf5dmnl
- e5412mf5dmbe
- e5412mf5bmnl
- e5412mf5bmlu
- e5412mf5bmbe
- e5412mf5amgb
- fjinte5412v04
- fjinte5412v03
- fjinte5412v02
- fjinte5412v01
- e5413mf7cmde
- e5413mf5hmde
- e5413mf5gmde
- e5413mf5fmde
- e4412mf7ampt
- e4412mf5ampt
- fjinte5413c10
- fjinte5413c09
- fjinte5413c05
- fjinte5413c04
- fjinte5413c03
- u7512mh7gmfr
- u7512mh7dnnc
- u7512mh7dmnl
- u7512mh7dmlu
- u7512mh7dmbe
- u7512mh7cnnc
- u7512mh7cmnl
- u7512mh7cmlu
- u7512mh7cmbe
- u7512mh7bnnc
- u7512mh7amfr
- u7512mh5dnnc
- u7512mh5cnnc
- u7512mh5amfr
- u7512mf7hmde
- u7512mf7gmde
- u7512mf7gmch
- u7512mf7fmgb
- u7512mf7emgb
- u7512mf7bnlt
- u7512mf5imnl
- u7512mf5imes
- u7512mf5imde
- u7512mf5imbe
- u7512mf5hmde
- u7512mf5gmnl
- u7512mf5gmlu
- u7512mf5gmes
- u7512mf5gmch
- u7512mf5gmbe
- u7512mf5fmde
- u7512mf5emgb
- u7512m15amde
- u7512mf7dmpl
- u7512mf5dmpl
- fjintu7512v04
- fjintu7512v03
- fjintu7512v02
- fjintu7512v01
- u9040mxr31nc
- u9040mxr1tes
- u9040mxr1nes
- u9040mxpr1nc
- u9040mxpr1de
- u9040mxpc1de
- u9040mxpb1de
- u9040mxpb1at
- u9040mxpa1de
- u9040mxpa1ch
- u9040mxp41nc
- u9040mxp31nl
- u9040mxp31gb
- u9040mxp31fr
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- u9040mxp31at
- u9040mxp11tr
- u9040mxp11nl
- u9040mxp11nc
- u9040mxp11gb
- u9040mxp11be
- u9040mxp11at
- u9040m87p1ch
- u9040m77b1gb
- u9040m77aptr
- u9040m77abch
- u9040m77a1it
- u9040m77a1gb
- u9040m75c1gb
- u9040m75b1nc
- u9040m75b1gb
- u9040m75a5tr
- u9040m75a2de
- u9040m75a1nc
- u9040m75a1it
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- u9040m7501nl
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- u9040m7501fr
- u9040m67spbe
- u9040m67b1es
- u9040m65e1es
- u9040m65d1es
- u9040m65c1es
- u9040m65abbe
- u9040m65a1ru
- u9040m57nbch
- u9040m57appl
- u9040m55abpl
- u9040m27a1gb
- u9040m27a1ch
- u9040m25r1nc
- u9040m25a1nc
- u9040m25a1fr
- u9040m15a1it
- u9040m0067fr
- u9040m0046gb
- u9040m0045gb
- u9040m0034gb
- u9040m0027gb
- u9040m0024ru
- u9040m0024cz
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- u9040m0023cz
- u9040m0022hu
- u9040m0021hu
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- u9040m0020cz
- u9040m0018se
- u9040m0014pl
- u9040m0012tr
- u9040m0011tr
- u9040m0008tr
- u9040m0007tr
- u9040m0007pl
- u9040m0006tr
- u9040m0006pt
- u9040m0006de
- u9040m0006
- u9040m0005pt
- u9040m0005gb
- u9040m0005es
- u9040m0005cz
- u9040m0004it
- u9040m0004es
- u9040m0004cz
- u9040m0004at
- u9040m0003it
- u9040m0003cz
- u9040m0003at
- u9040m0002pt
- u9040m0002it
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- u9040m0002cz
- u9040m0002ch
- u9040m0001ua
- u9040m0001pt
- u9040m0001cz
- u9040m0001ch
- s26391-k394-v100
- fmvu01003